Please contact info @ should you have any questions for below opportunity.
Funding Opportunity - US $ 3 million
Exit Strategy - Acquisition
Potential ROI - Based on lab & ad revenue only
Potential Valuation with data & diagnostics included in revenue - billions
This is a women’s health research and diagnostics company, like no other.
The lack of data and diagnostics for evaluating women’s hormone-related conditions is a tremendous unmet need in the medical community. Over 100 million women suffer from hormone-related OB/Gyn conditions. Effective diagnostics do not exist; research and treatment options are limited.
The need for women's health data is critical.
Crowdsource. Give women the tools they want and need to manage their own health; make it easy, social and fun. In return, we get revenue and the data needed to revolutionize women’s health. What we offer:
The colossal need and market for our products combined with the social networking functionality embedded in the system, promises tens of millions of unique page views,millions of Lucine Women community members, hundreds of thousands of hormone kits sold and millions of valuable datum. How it works:
Women purchase hormones tests; track their symptoms online for free, talk with other women and physicians.
Physicians and pharmacists subscribe to patient reports with hormone and symptom data, aggregated.
Clinical trials, physicians and companies advertise to a highly targeted, receptive, and very large market.
Companies purchase proprietary, de-identified data or subscribe to research services and infrastructure.
This company in Nevada develops diagnostics, patents and licenses to pharma, device or other companies.
Lab Products & Target Health Advertising
Big Data
This health data platform will collect massive quantities of symptom and hormone data; data that do not exist anywhere else in the world. The revenue possibilities leveraged with these data are enormous.
Imagine what a pharmaceutical or health insurance company might pay for these de-identified data.
IP Pipeline & Revenue
We plan to analyze the data, create high value clinical diagnostic algorithms and hormone monitoring tests, patent and license to reference labs, device and pharmaceutical companies. Then repeat, again and again.
Licensing and recurring royalty revenue fees portend millions in additional revenue beginning in years 4-5, without the hassles of manufacturing, sales or distribution.
Platform Technologies
Our health data aggregation platform is built on a multi-tiered system supported by a flexible and interchangeable UI, patient-controlled authorization and is compatible with emerging Health IT systems. The platform can be subscribed to or licensed for other functions.
Subscribers: compounding pharmacies, researchers, physicians
Licensees: pharma, researchers, governmental agencies